
Tell us a little about yourself

It would help us to know a little about your business or practice, and how you envision working with Keto-Mojo.  Are you currently recommending glucose and ketone testing for your patients?  Are you using remote patient monitoring? Are you taking advantage of remote monitoring CPT codes?  Do you need help educating your patients on the benefits of glucose-ketone testing and how to maximize their effectiveness on a ketogenic diet?  Any information you give us prior to a meeting will make that meeting even more productive.

Rita Gennawey

Here’s what Rita can help you with:

  • Explain the benefits of glucose-ketone testing and remote patient monitoring
  • Explore the different ways you can work with Keto-Mojo
  • Provide a demonstration of our HIPAA-compliant MyMojoHealth platform and integrations
  • Summarize the resources we provide our healthcare partners


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